The Princess Diarist

Carrie Fisher

Book cover

Carrie Fisher is/was great, but this wasn’t really the book I hoped it would be. The central point is that Fisher found some diaries from her days working on “Star Wars” (at age 19!) and decided to publish some excerpts, which demonstrate, among other things, the previously-unknown fact that she had an affair with Harrison Ford while they were shooting (he was married, she wasn’t).

I was hoping the diary excerpts would also have interesting commentary on the experience of working on SW, but they (or at least the ones she included) are entirely about the affair and her feelings about it. It feels like what it is, which is reading a 19-year-old’s diary, which is not a good feeling. She does write some (outside the excerpts) about what it was like working on the set, what George Lucas was like, etc., but it is pretty limited.

I feel badly rating this book low, so if you get a chance, check out a recording of her one-woman show “Wishful Drinking,” which is a perfect venue for her big personality.

My Goodreads rating: 2 stars
